Black Belt Selling

Stories of Incredible Persistence



We've all faced obstacles that would knock lesser beings out of running. In fact, we've all faced obstacles that would knock US out of running if we didn't have a bigger goal and a bigger mission.Join Stephanie Scheller as she explores some of the most incredible stories of persistence that have gone down in history and changed the face of the world! The world famous band that was turned down by a record company because "guitar groups are on the way out"The athlete that was cut from his sports team of choice in high schoolThe world-famous actress who was dismissed from drama school for being "too shy" and told to "try any other profession"The grandma who failed 960 times before passing her test!4 NFL coaches who had the WORST 1st seasons in NFL history! The billionaire who was told to "get a dayjob"The ridiculous struggles Walt Disney went through - on top of being told he had no imagination!And the man who single-handledly grew a rainforest!And more! Learn 3 tools for how to overcome obstacles, and set yours
