Live Powerfully Radio

How To Have Freedom the Simple Way



In today's episode, you will learn from my very speacial guest, Julie Babcock how you can have Freedom the Simple Way in your everyday life.  Julie had a powerful experience on April 26, 2008 that she immediately described as a spiritual awakening without even knowing what that meant.When she later did some research on spiritual awakenings, she was amazed to find that they accurately described her experience.Out of the freedom this experience brought, Julie felt called to share that this is possible for all of us. Julie now helps entrepreneurs align their habits and thoughts with peace so they experience less stress and more efficiency, true freedom, in their life and their business.You have an opportunity to learn from Julie on her webinar this evening, Feb 5th, at 5 PST.Be sure to sign up for this very special webinar here Register HEREYou can also receive your free gift from Julie hereJULIE'S FREE GIFTBy the way, be sure to download your prosperity afformations here :)