Living Well Talk Radio

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My Interview Today is with EMMA LYONSEmma has had an interesting journey - born in Ireland, then leaving to live in the UK. She started out wanting to be a human rights attorney and advocate, got her MA, then decided that was not for her.She is currently a certified Kundalini yoga instructor, Theta Healing Practitioner and Life Purpose Coach. At the young age of 25, she had what she calls a "quarter life" crisis, not knowing what to do or what path to follow.  Part of our interview will cover her journey, the other part will explore her revelations for herself and the techniques she uses to help clients get to the other side of their life's blocks and the unknown. We will explore the Theta healing and Kundalini yoga techniques she uses in her work with clients and how she helps people find their own purpose in life.  We will also share a couple of techniques that people can use that are simple, easy and powerful to remove blocks from their energy & lives.