Morning Connection Podcast

Morning Connection - Why You Need To Hurry Up And Achieve That Big Goal NOW!



The feelings that you get after setting an ambitious goal can be exciting, scary, and if you're not careful, even "satisfying." It's not the feelings and emotions that you get when SETTING a goal that's most important, it's the feelings you hope to experience after the goal is ACHIEVED. You need to keep focused on getting that RESULT you really want and those feelings that come with that result every step of your journey. You'll waste a lot of time, energy, and effort if you don't.HERE'S THE OFFER I MADE DURING THIS LIVE VIDEO - RANDOM COACHING CALLS - Send me an email at or private message me here on this Facebook page 1) Your name 2) Your age 3) Your Telephone number 4) The biggest challenge that you are facing in your life right now.These podcasts are done live on video every morning at 10 am (Eastern) / 7 am (Pacific) at and simultaneously on Periscope @skiplacoour.Or, go here and fill out this form: www.skiplacourcoachi