Wellthy Living Radio Show

EP 27: Women in Business with Peace Mitchell



In this episode I chat with Peace Mitchell - co-founder of Ausmumpreneur and The Womens Business School. We deep into the topics of :-women entrepreneurship-motherhood and career-the challenges and fears holding women back and -why investing in women is so importantTo find more information about Peace and her wonderful business and network go to:http://www.thewomensbusinessschool.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/peacemitchell/https://www.instagram.com/ausmumpreneur/https://www.facebook.com/womensbusinessschool/For more information about my services go to http://wellthyliving.com.au/https://www.facebook.com/welllthyliving/https://www.instagram.com/wellthy.living/https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisaentwisle/