Wellthy Living Radio Show

EP 50 Addressing our Needs



Welcome to Wellthy Living conversations EP 50!Being a milestone episode, I thought I would bring on my very first guest of the show and regular contributor Dr Nathalie Martinek. This episode will be somewhat an extension of the EP 1:‘How to care less, while still being caring’, which is still the most listened episode of the series. In today's episode will take a deeper look at how we can address our needs. So often when we feel triggered and challenged it is because we have unmet needs. But the problem is many people have not taken the time to really assess their needs - physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.In this episode we chat about: -Maslow's hierarchy of needs and it's limitations-Caretaking other people's needs vs caretaking for our own needs-Boundaries to protect your needs -Redefining what a compassionate good person means -Support -Communicating of needs-Co-dependence (self-centred vs other centred) vs interdependence (middle ground)-When radical self-centeredness is neededWe shared som