Simply Abundant Intuitive Hour

It Feels So Safe Here. How Rigid Are You? And Why It's Stopping You.



When we think of someone who’s rigid, we picture a person who is tightly wound, wearing stuffy clothes and pursed lips… right?Actually, no. Rigidity often shows up dressed to the nines, flashing a smile. Outwardly put together. Things just get serious pretty quickly when you butt up against a rigid person, or mess with the flow of their stream. Know anyone like that? Maybe YOU?Most of us don’t think we’re rigid. We see ourselves as accommodating and go-with-the-flow instead of recognizing how hard we fight to stay in our comfort zone. We operate on autopilot, thinking it’s perfectly reasonable not to pause or question (doesn’t everyone do that?).How does rigidity show up in your life, and how does it limit you? Listen to the podcast, then take this quiz to see how rigid you really are or