Tahnee Talk! Voices From The Beinghood

TahneeTalk 2ND LAST EPISODE! "Epic Juiciness!"(Tahnee&Allen)



Yes, this is our second last episode of TahneeTalk! Subscribe to Tahnee's exciting new TV show "TahneeTV"! Go to: www.youtube.com/TahneeTVIn this episode, Tahnee and her beloved genius Allen David Reed discuss a crucial KEY to getting along with people: the 10 Worldviews that are running on our planet and how you can recognise them in yourself and the people around you. Understanding these differences in Worldviews helps you understand human dynamics, avoid misunderstandings, prevent conflicts and have more compassion for those who are different than you. It helps you understand what is happening on our planet politically and globally too.  And it helps you understand the evolution of consciousness throughout history. Enjoy Tahnee & Allen vibing off each other, as they bubble over with love and insight. This is JUICY stuff!