This Pint Has 20 Ounces

13 - Kacey Foore, Dj Cosm



Our first guest this episode is Greta Bar’s Kacey Foore. She and Josh recount the recent Calgary Beer Fest, and Kacey’s important job on the Greta team of shaking hands and kissing babies. We get the drop on Geta: Calgary’s go-to spot for beer, arcade games, and street food, or what Jonathan describes as “an adult fun-house.” If you drop by Greta Bar on a Sunday, Kacey guarantees it’ll be “coco-bananas!” Sunday is re-greta night, where things get a little wild and you just might re-greta it the next morning. Of course, Josh and Jonathan don’t turn down an opportunity to share some of their most embarrassing moments, and you can have yours read aloud on the show as well by emailing This episode’s advice from Mama T is about the people you love, and the simple things that put a smile on their face. We learn that T doesn’t buy gifts for people for specific days like birthdays or holidays, and believes the best day to give a gift to someone you card about is any day. Bringing up