This Pint Has 20 Ounces

17 - Don Tse, Josh & Jonathan



This episode the Don of Beer is back. Don Tse updates us on his legendary beer counter and his recent trips to craft breweries outside of Canada. During the break we get serious with Mama T, and afterwards Josh and Jonathan write a love letter to their ideal guests on the show. Returning guest Don Tse, The Don of Beer, fills us in on his recent trip to Iceland, where beer was illegal until March of 1989, but tells us that for an industry that has only been around 30 years their craft beer scene is booming! Later we channel Don’s love of beer as art, when we match styles of music with their perfect beer pairing. In this episode’s chat with Mama T things get a little heavy, so if you tuned in for the usual boner jokes, you might be in for a surprise! Josh, Jonathan and T have some ideas on how to solve the world’s problems and we get brainstorming. In the back half of the show we’ve got a special one to one with our co-hosts Josh and Jonathan. We hear all about their storied history of shared special occasions,