This Pint Has 20 Ounces

23 - Jason Mehmel



This episode Jonathan and Nick are joined by self-proclaimed Theatrical Ambassador Jason Mehmel! Jason is the Artistic Director for Sage Theatre and the mastermind behind the local comic anthology series FIGHT COMICS. Sage Theatre is a local theatre production company that just had it’s 20th birthday. Sage’s style is described by Jason as “tightly focused, highly dramatic, intimate theatre” that tells stories about “what it means to be human here and now.” Or for those of us less acquainted with the theatre world: “kind of like an HBO mini series!” Working primarily out of Calgary’s Pumphouse Theatre, Jason tells us about the infamous ghost that inhabits the theatre. He reassures us that this presence is a friendly one, and that they don’t mind the supernatural audience member not paying for a ticket since they don’t take up a seat. We get a proverbial peek behind the curtain at Jason’s process in selecting plays and auditioning actors, as well as his advice for people who think they may want to get into acti