Love Your Path Show With Nancy Brook

Looking for someone to love forever: Marcia Reece



Being loved is one of our most basic needs – right along with food, water, air, and shelter. But finding that someone who can love you and who you can love back, your soul mate, is a challenge. The search for Mr. or Ms. Right can be long and frustrating. You’ll get rejected and hurt along the way. But don’t lose hope! You can have the relationship and love you dream of and deserve, and more! You too should be admired, appreciated, acknowledged, loved, and respected.  Finding your Forever Love is possible and it’s easier than you ever dreamed!Marcia Reece, #1 bestselling author, helps others live their dreams teaching everyone can have an incredible life; it is never too late to start living a life of love, acceptance, and contentment. She wrote Secrets of the Marriage Mouse, the ultimate guide that will help you discover how to get the relationship rats out of your life, forgive yourself for past mistakes, open your heart to relationships you desire and deserve, attract the person who is actually the RIGHT pa