
Many Helping Hands, by The Cheetah Kids



Mr. Isaacson and Mrs. Murphy’s 3rd Grade Classes - December 2008 Welcome to Reader’s Theatre!Successful readers are fluent readers and fluency requires practice. While practice makes perfect, practice can often become dull, routine, mundane, and well, boring. Reader’s Theatre provides the thrill, excitement, and authentic purpose for practice. Rereading for intonation, pronunciation, prosody, and emotion supports students’ comprehension. The act of practice has been redefined as rehearsal. And as any star or starlet knows, one must rehearse for perfection!Using published Reader’s Theatre scripts, groups of students (casts) practice for a Reader’s Theatre performance. Trained teachers guide students through extensive reading and rehearsing of a script focusing upon vocabulary, phrasing, comprehension, and fluency. Each final performance is captured as an audio recording that is uploaded as a web podcast and burned onto CDs for the students.Here is the cast of the Cheetah Kids:Narrator 1. . . . . . . . .