Hype Girl Podcast

The Power of Authenticity and Honesty in Business, Marketing and Social Media with Krista Ripma



Krista Ripma, digital launch strategist and podcast host, shares today about the power of authenticity and honesty in business, marketing and our social media platforms. Krista discusses how she came to the realization that authenticity and honesty are the fundamental element of a successful marketing campaign. She has been able to transform her clients’ businesses by implementing innovative marketing strategies focused on authenticity, storytelling, and selling the truth. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristaripma/?hl=en Website: https://www.authenticaudience.co/ Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-authentic-audience-podcast/id1451733681 MORE FROM CAT: https://www.hypegirlcat.com/hypegirllinks