Talk to Your Pharmacist

What’s Comparative Effectiveness Research and How Might It Help Lower Costs with Dr. Greg Snyder



If you want to better understand what comparative effectiveness research is and how it could be used to influence formularies, then this episode is for YOU! During this episode, you’ll learn the following: What misaligned incentives are currently in place in the market that do not help to lower cost of medications What Comparative Effectiveness Research is and the organizations that publish it How Comparative Effectiveness Research is used by TruData to create our algorithms. With this information and the cost data, a formulary, benefits plan design can be made on clinical data not just brand to generic or what rebates are largest for the PBM. What roles that a pharmacist can excel at How to look for pharmacy type roles that do not fall into the retail/hospital space Guest - Greg Snyder, PharmD, MBA TEDx talk g