Talk to Your Pharmacist

Interprofessional Education with Dr. Chad Gentry



In this episode, our guest is Chad Gentry, who is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy and is the Director of Experiential Education Quality Assurance at Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy. Chad will share about: - translating IPE from the classroom and simulation to practice - his practice site at Mercury Courts model of care and the pharmacists role - inter institutional, interprofessional collaboration (VPIL and MVA) Chad Gentry's bio: Our guest Chad Gentry attended the University of Tennessee Knoxville and received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center. He has primarily spent is professional career in academia, and has practiced in several interprofessional primary care clinics while on faculty at East Tennessee State University and Lipscomb University. He is board certified in ambulatory care and is a certified diabetes educator. Dr. Gentry has served in multiple leadership capacities involving experiential education and interprofessio