Talk to Your Pharmacist

Student Entrepreneurship Opportunities with Dr. Mohammed Abdulwahhab



In this episode, we have Mohammed Abdulwahhab (Mo), who is the National Manager for Pharmacy Regulatory and Compliance at Ascension. Mo has an entrepreneurial spirit and shares about his experience building a business while still in pharmacy school. He'll cover: 1- How can students find an opportunity and leverage it to improve patient care (discuss the MTM and CPA and how those opportunities came across my way) 2- How to explore non-traditional methods for student employment and volunteering 3- How involvement in a professional organization can help you grow those opportunities 4- How to contribute as a student to your current place of employment Guest - Mohammed Abdulwahhab, PharmD Host - Hillary Blackburn, PharmD @talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook @HillBlackburn Twitter