Talk to Your Pharmacist

Functional Medicine with FMPhA Founder, Dr. Lauren Castle



In this episode, our guest shares on topics related to the ever growing field of functional medicine. Topics include: 1. What is FM and FMPhA? 2. The role of the pharmacist in FM: it's a spectrum 3. How to get involved in FMPhA: symposium was in Indy 9/6-7 and we will be planning for 2020, online CE event 2/29 with (use code FMPhA for 10% off), grassroots efforts in other FM and pharmacy organizations, new membership website coming soon! Lauren Castle, PharmD, MS is the founder of the Functional Medicine Pharmacists Alliance at, whose mission is to integrate pharmacists into the practice of Functional Medicine, and Functional Medicine into the profession of pharmacy. She completed her Doctor of Pharmacy from Ohio Northern University and her Masters of Science in Functional Medicine and Human Nutrition from the University of Western States. Lauren also works as a Market Health and Wellness Director for Walmart and serves as a social media influencer as @DrLaurenCastle on LinkedIn, F