Talk to Your Pharmacist

Launching a Pharmacy Student StartUp with Student Pharmacist, Griffin Budde



In this episode, we talk with Griffin Budde who is a 4th year pharmacy student at the University of Wisconsin and Co-Founder/CEO of Pegasus Health Applications. He shares his thoughts on the following: - Background on Pegasus. How it got started. How will it help patients. Future direction - Pros and Cons of being a student and an entrepreneur - What I think other students could do to make themselves stand out/prepare themselves for the tough job market that lays ahead - Where I see pharmacy practice going Griffin Budde SOCIAL MEDIA: -LinkedIn: -Instagram: griffin_budde Griffin loves to connect with anyone and everyone. He also enjoy helping people achieve their goals. So, feel free to reach out to him if you have questions, thoughts, etc. Host - Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA @talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook @HillBlackburn Twitter