In Research Of

S02E20 - Haunted Castles



Warning: This episode does discuss suicide. If you're feeling any kind of despair or hopelessness, help is available.  Call 1-800-273-8255 and talk to someone. You can't listen to our fine show if you're dead - so we don't want that! SOLVED - the mystery of the unknown cemetery has been solved. It's the Trinity Church Cemetery in the Washington Heights neighborhood of NYC. Thanks to patron Donald Mundis for helping figure that out! Yes - this episode is being released out of sequence because everyone involved loves Halloween way too much and honestly it seemed off-brand to wait when it would be so easy to just give the people what they need.  So... turn out the lights, get under your blanket, and listen to Jeb, Blake and return guest Alex French talk you through the super-creepy extravaganza that is Haunted Castles! Remember - we're on the lookout for more information about this cemetery shooting location.  Let us know if you find anything.  Post in the comments, or send an email to