Transformerende Meditasjoner (no)

Heart Focused Meditation



This meditation is based on techniques developed by the HeartMath Institute. An institute conducting research on the role of electromagnetic fields in our communication, intuition, physiology, neurology and our physical and mental health. The techniques we use in this meditation are used to build resilience, especially when dealing with stress, and are used daily in private companies, police forces, fire departments, the military, healthcare and schools. Music: Spectrum Healing – Producing our meditations costs time and money. We want to offer our meditations for free for as long as possible and will be very grateful for a donation. The money goes to Transformational Guide Seb ( PayPal: BitCoin or Keys: 3PMeibnKN7P3Zph29SYjhpTKfv4p6jJrsop DASH: XhmTquGsZeXmptPmoifB6NeEk1VAxiBdB1