Podcast Success Secrets

Getting Over Your Podcast Growing Pains



I shared my thoughts about how to grow as a podcaster. In podcasting, just like in life, when growing, you experience some pains. The higher the level you are in the harder it gets. However, you get wiser and more disciplined.When doing a podcast, you should develop a thick skin such that even when people say some things about you, you don’t take them personally. You take them in your stride and continue with the journey.To grow as a podcaster, you have to learn to do the most uncomfortable things. Recording content and keeping a  streak without breaking is uncomfortable but that is what will grow you as a podcaster. Listen in as I talk about this and much more including overcoming the imposter syndrome. Key TakeawaysWhy the more you grow and the higher level you play, the harder it gets (1:22)How the experience you gain while growing helps your podcast grow even more (1:43)Growing a thick skin and doing the most uncomfortable things (2:25)Why having daily and weekly habit helps grow your podcast (3:40)Learni