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Should I Learn Piano?



Peter and Adam take a listener's question and extoll all the virtues of learning piano for anyone who doesn't play it as their primary instrument on today's episode.Links From This Episode:There's a new course from Open Studio - Your Sound Is Your Signature! Join jazz bass extraordinaire Christian McBride as he teaches you how to play ballads, odd time signatures, fast tempos, and more! Featuring our beloved Guided Practice Sessions to help refine the concepts of this course. For more info, just follow this link.For a comprehensive collection of piano lessons, save money by purchasing the Piano Access Pass - every piano course past, present, and future from Open Studio.Wednesday's Open Studio Live Events (All times in EDT):1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - Edu Ribeiro + Ulysses Owens, Jr. | Drum Conversations + Q&A on YouTube8:00 PM - Peter Martin + Emmet Cohen | Duo Concert & Conversations on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkInteres