21 Grams Of Soul With ~ Lynda Walsh

Are You Enjoying YOUR JOURNEY ??



21 Grams of Soul with Lynda Walsh I have heard it said that "desire means directions from the stars," Are you desiring to make your journey one of ease and grace? Join guest DR.Angelia S Bryant, certified Clinical Mental Health Councilor /Distance Councilor and Certified Hypnotherapist along with Lynda Walsh Master Hypnotist and Concierge Coach For Business on 21 Grams of Soul Radio as they explore and unfold the possibilities of who and what we are all becoming, and even if you thought you weren't meant to enjoy the journey of your life, what if it were something as simple as making a different choice, a choice to go in the direction of what inspires us. Maybe we are all indeed receiving directions from the stars all the time and perhaps we can adjust our antenna's to receiving a vibration of inspiration, love and joy and what else is possible here?