21 Grams Of Soul With ~ Lynda Walsh

Stop Sitting on the Fence with Money! Guest Purim King



21 Grams of Soul with Lynda Walsh Stop sitting on the fence with money! Are you ready to commit to dating money and double your income in 2015.? Lynda Walsh, Master Hypnotist/ Concierge Business coach and host of 21 Grams of Soul Radio show will be interviewing Purim King, author of the book “The Little Book For Big Change”, Purim is also a coach,poet,channel and psychic,psychotherapist and a master healer.  For over 20 years  She has helped clients overcome physical disease, emotional and relational difficulties, I can ATTEST TO THAT HAVING HAD A SESSION WITH Purim that helped me to clear up some old baggage I had with my husband and start to see that I was playing blame game. Purim is also working on her new book “ The Little Book for Big Love” I am guessing we all would like more big love in our lives… And Purim is gifting the first 5 callers an electronic copy of her Book “The little Book For Big Change” and she invites us to not sit on the fence, and share her version of a dirty world and what that means