Simply Being ~ Rioha Fortner

What if There Aren’t Any Answers?



What did this show wish to be this week.  There was never any answer, no pop, no energy.  It will be what it will be.  Which begs the question.... what if there aren't any answers and what if you keep looking anyway?  What will that create?  What does that even look like?  Join Rioha and explore this topic and what ever else pops in. Rioha is a Transformation Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Radio Show Host, Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, NLP Trainer and Master Practitioner who is driven to invite individuals and organizations to ask the questions that will bring more ease, simplicity and joy! Rioha will use her talents and experience to guide you in developing the tools that will give you the simplicity of being you that you desire and so much more. ~ ~ 720-336-3269 ~