Simply Being ~ Rioha Fortner

Marketing and The User Experience with Co-Host Alyssa Light



Rioha is so excited to have the Amazing and Talented Alyssa Light Co-Host her show for the month of November!  Rioha was listening to Alyssa on another show and realized that the way Alyssa creates marketing resonated with her like no one else she has come in contact with and chose to share her with her audience. Utilizing The Shine System, Alyssa will coach Rioha and support her to generate increased revenue by capitalizing on her ‘it factor’.  Each week they will focus on a topic.  The 4th week they will continue their conversation around social marketing and finish off with the all-important user experience.  (What's it really like to work with you?  Does everything you say about what you offer actually match with what you provided?) Alyssa is known as The Profitable Innovator – a business coach and consultant that produces quantifiable results. Last year, she helped a client reach a 5 year target in just 8 months. Her 6-step system takes businesses from where they are now to generating sustainable results