Bringing The Sexy With ~ Carol Reinlie

Are You Willing To Receive All That Your Life Can Be?



Bringing the Sexy! with Carol Reinlie Radio Show When was the last time you were able to get truly intimate with you? When you see yourself as the beautiful, infinite being that you are and step into the vulnerability of what is next, you have the ability to receive all that is available for what can be your life. Are you ready for all the possibilities? Join Access Consciousness Facilitators Carol Reinlie and Tamara Younker as they explore the vulnerability of receiving you and all the possibilities that can be your life. Carol Reinlie is a Marketing Consultant, Coach, Author and Speaker. She works with entrepreneurs and individuals one-on-one and via her group coaching programs to expand all possibilities. Tamara Younker is a Certified Facilitator, Coach, Mediator, Speaker and pioneer of consciousness who has been researching the energetics of relating for 13 years.  She has an expertise in guiding clients to cultivate Intimacy of BEing where they function from a powerful and aware presence that allows them