Rehabilitating Your Investment Portfolio

Stock Market Investing Education: 3 reasons to Book Profits on the Way Up



Become an ARMR Insider: ARMR Investing Way: 3 Risk Management Rules 1) The power of Standard Deviations 2) The value of channel analysis  3)  The EPS announcement rule  This is The ARMR Investing Way (3 Stage Investing Strategy) 1. Build your Whiteboard / stable of companies in which to invest (Fundamental Research) a) Earnings leaders (O Neil) b) Turnarounds (value) c) Favorite products you use (Lynch) 2. Employ quantitative algorithms to identify entry and exit points (Execution research) a) The stock market indicies b) Select groups c) Individual stocks  3. Strictly adhere to the Stop Loss rules (Risk Management Research) a) Principal Protection Stop (LODB, LOMB, LOSB) b) Raised Stop c) Profit Protection Stop (trailed) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: All of ARMRreport, our trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on our opinions alone and are only for educationa