Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls

Josephine Baker read by Ashley Graham



Description:Once upon a time, there was a girl who became a dancer, a spy, and a civil rights activist. Her name was Josephine.One of the most sought-after performers in history, Josephine Baker became known for her unique style and humor. She refused to perform for segregated audiences, aided the French Resistance during WWII, and stood alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the March on Washington. Her extraordinary career paved the way for generations of Black female entertainers.About the Narrator: Ashley Graham is an American supermodel, designer, author, advocate, andentrepreneur. Ashley is a passionate voice for inclusivity, leveraging herplatform to inspire confidence and empower others. In addition to being a brandambassador for Revlon, Ashley currently hosts and produces the top-rated podcastPretty Big Deal, as well as Fearless, a show on the Ellen Digital Network.Credits:This podcast is a production of Rebel Girls and Boom Integrated, a division of John Marshall Media. It’s based on the book serie