Flippening - For Cryptocurrency Investors (bitcoin, Ethereum, And Cryptoasset Investing)

Quote Currency Dominance (QCD) & Why It Matters w/ Clay from Nomics.com (Ep. 0080)



Welcome to this cryptocurrency podcast. Today’s guest is Flippening host and Nomics CEO, Clay Collins. The content is excerpted from Clay's recent presentation at Consensus: Distributed, a virtual version of CoinDesk’s annual blockchain conference. In his talk, Clay covers a number of topics, including: What is quote currency dominance? How stablecoins became the dominant quote currencies in crypto trading Why Binance offers so many BNB trading pairs Why exchanges like FTX list so many altcoins Why most aggregators end up doubling their volume data Why it’s important to have a sound methodology when calculating trading volume Sponsors: Crypto Loans by Nexo Nexo is the only lender offering INSTANT crypto credit lines, which let you use digital assets as collateral to get cash in 45 fiat currencies and stablecoins. Annual interest rates for credit lines are now starting at just 5.9% - which may very well be the lowest borrowing rate in the whole industry. Nexo is also a strategic partner of exchanges, OTC des