Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants Practitioner Series

Episode 25: Alexandra Brewster - Keep on Being Awesome!



_Can you run appointments in your practice that better serve both you and your patients? You can be more efficient and get better results. You can reduce your chance of burnout. You can truly love and excel at what you do. _ Alexandra takes us through her model of practice in her delightful way that is applicable to online and face-to-face appointment systems as she gets to “know the ins and outs of the duck’s bum.” If you are yet to attend a Metagenics Best Practice event, or have attended, but haven’t put the ‘5 Steps to Your Best Practice’ system in place, now is a prime opportunity to get insight on how you can set this up in your practice. Alexandra Brewster is an Australian immigrant who feels she has had a lifelong calling to medicine. Her story will be familiar to many Practitioners. Her ongoing thirst for knowledge saw her transition through many education platforms, including being only one of seven IFM Certified Practitioners in Australia. *Alexandra’s story is intriguing and engaging and her en