Overnight Underground News Blip

Overnight Underground News May 8th 2020



The Overnight Underground Podcast, now the headlines: The national unemployment suicide continues. Biden’s virtual rally crashes. Kelly and Reade talk up creepy Biden. San Antonio goes all in for censorship and California to screen diners for coronavirus. These stories & more coming up on today’s Overnight Underground News. I’m John Ford.   Unemployment skyrockets   The unemployment numbers are in, and they ain’t pretty. The unemployment rate is hovering under fifteen percent and twenty and one half million jobs evaporated in the month of April. All in all over one hundred million people are not in the labor force. The “real” unemployment rate, which includes workers not looking for jobs and the underemployed, surged to just under twenty three percent. All that bad news couldn’t stop the market from opening up Friday morning, surging over three hundred points. According to one alleged financial fortune teller at JP Morgan, it will take a decade for the employment numbers to return to pre-pandemic number