Ten Questions Esl Podcast

LnR 126 (Casual Language) Driving (Replay)



Hi! This episode is almost three years old. I talk about how I enjoy driving when I'm home for the summer. Of course, things have changed, and now I live at home all the time. I haven't been doing much driving, though, because of the pandemic. I teach English online (Cambly, PalFish, Kouyuxia, and now Amazing Talker) and am just about to launch (that's business vocabulary for "start") a course on how to teach IELTS speaking. If you are an English teacher who is interested in learning how to teach IELTS, contact me at nancy@missbuswell.com for more information. My course is not cheap, but it's not expensive, either. Best wishes to all of you during this COVID-19 time. I hope that you and your family are all well.   LnR 126 (Casual Language) Driving The word I couldn't spell is "demographics"! Dictionary.com says: " the statistical data of a population, especially those showing average age, income, education, etc." A: Hi, Nancy! Are you having a good time at home? B: Oh, yeah. It's great to be home. I love spen