Meditate Awake

MEDITATE: Connect Words With Emotions



Yesterday we touched on the power of words to create what you want in life. Today, we go further and use words in a simple practice to change your state of mind. Studies show that labelling your emotions with words can instantly reduce their power to overwhelm you. So close your eyes and start to identify the emotions you’re feeling. Label each emotion with a word. Say it out loud if you can. You might say “Angry,” “Anxious”, or “Hurt”. Or if you’re feeling good, label your positive emotions too! You can use this technique whenever you feel that your emotions are taking over and disrupting your life. Why does it work? Because applying a word to a feeling immediately changes your brain activity so that you’re working from the thinking brain regions rather than the emotional brain regions. And that puts you in a state of mind that’s much better for making decisions and choosing how you want to react.