Meditate Awake

CAREER: Does it Pay to Be Dishonest?



DAILY INSIGHT Last week, we mentioned the value of becoming more visible in your business. Building on that, we want to ask: how honest are you with your colleagues, clients or employers? A study at the University of Massachusetts found that 60% of people lie at least once within a 10 minute conversation. Dishonesty creates distrust, and triggers a stress response in your body which impairs your ability to make good decisions. DAILY ACTION Start to notice each time you're dishonest in professional settings. Even those small mistruths. It takes time to cultivate a practice of honesty (and most of us will never work out how to be honest 100% of the time), but simply noticing when you don't tell the truth, and thinking about why, is the place to start. You can then ask yourself, "was it necessary for me to be dishonest? What would happen if I just told the truth about that?"