Meditate Awake

DE-STRESS: Hand Massage Method



DAILY INSIGHT Yesterday, we touched upon the power of tapping the body to help shift your energy and manage stress. Today, let’s talk about self-massage. Lots of us neglect to care for our hands; but aren’t they amazing?! They’re constantly moving, constantly working. And when we’re stressed out, our hands get tense. DAILY ACTION Turn both hands palms facing up. Place the four fingers of the right hand beneath the back of the left hand to support it, with the right thumb on the left palm. Starting in the center, use the right thumb to push out to the edges of the left palm, moving around the palm clockwise. Then take hold of each of the left fingertips in turn, including the thumb, and pull them to stretch the fingers out. Finally, use the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand to massage between the thumb and index finger of the left. And then repeat on the other hand! It’s an easy and nurturing way to release stress at any time.