Meditate Awake

MINDSET: Letting Go of This Changes Everything!



DAILY INSIGHT: “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” —Lao Tzu. It’s important to loosen your grip on who you think you should be in order to welcome your true potential. Have you ever badly wanted something — like a job, or a partner, or an experience — that just didn't fit with who you think you are? Many of us don’t pursue our dreams because we worry they might project the wrong image, or force us to question our identity. DAILY ACTION: Take a moment to acknowledge that who you are right now has grown from everything that has happened in your life, up to this point. But that doesn’t mean that you have to stay the same. If you allow difference experiences into your life, you could become something even better; even more beautiful. Accept change and become who you might be.