Brain Software With Mike Mandel: Hypnosis | Nlp | Self Improvement

Session 57: Unnecessary FIller



Welcome to Episode 57 of Brain Software with Mike Mandel and Chris Thompson! This episode is packed with fun and useful stuff as always! Get ready to laugh as you build a better life. If you want to learn hypnosis online make sure you check out the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy   Here are the show notes for this episode: Reminder we’re hitting Las Vegas this August for Hypnothoughts Live 2015. We dive into a discussion of unnecessary capitalization and unnecessary quotes. Do you know what strange capitalization tells you about a person (even in typed content)? Listen and find out. The winner of our contest from Podcast Episode 56 is Matthew from El Paso, TX. Congratulations on a hilarious use of the tag team context free humour model that we shared during our last podcast. Michael’s question is about working a typical 9 to 5 job, but he recently has been feeling as if he’s living in the third person. Can this be related to his job not being fulfilling, or his newfound interest in personal development? Mike ta