Brain Software With Mike Mandel: Hypnosis | Nlp | Self Improvement

Session 99: Guilt, Shame, Empathy and the Bucket List



Here are the show notes from this episode:  May Hypnosis Training is sold-out! There are still about 4 spots for June. Melissa Tiers’ class is almost filled up, so look here… A smorgasbord of stuff today… Word of the Day: PHYSICIAN Guilt and Shame are not the same! Some people never get over shame… Guilt is about what you have or haven’t done…Shame is about who you are…Behaviour vs Identity Shame is ‘There’s something wrong with me!” Logical Levels are only a model, and the test of a model is whether or not it’s useful! Environment, Behaviour, Capabilities, Beliefs and Values, Identity, Purpose or Mission We did a whole podcast on Logical Levels in episode 74. Here it is on YouTube also. Chris does a really annoying and vaguely familiar voice for an extended Ken Sweatman-like period of time… People stuck at Environment respond as though life is happening to them…New Behaviours change the Environment… Capabilities (abilities) enable us to exhibit new Behaviours. Beliefs (and Values) effect our Capabilities…