Flippening - For Cryptocurrency Investors (bitcoin, Ethereum, And Cryptoasset Investing)

Daily Clip: How to Explain Blockchain w/ Taylor Pearson, Entrepreneur & Author (#24)



Welcome to Daily Wisdom, a daily crypto podcast from The Flippening. These episodes feature short, to-the-point clips from our full-length interviews. We talk with the men and women behind the trades, crypto exchanges, regulations, and crypto market cap movements with the goal of helping you become a better, more informed investor. Today’s episode is from a 2017 conversation with Taylor Pearson, entrepreneur and author of The End of Jobs. We discuss why it’s unwise to consider blockchain and crypto in terms of existing business models or products. For the full conversation, check out Flippening episode 4. Sponsors Crypto Loans by Nexo Nexo is the only lender offering INSTANT crypto credit lines, which let you use digital assets as collateral to get cash in 45 fiat currencies and stablecoins. Annual interest rates for credit lines are now starting at just 5.9% - which may very well be the lowest borrowing rate in the whole industry. Nexo is also a strategic partner of exchanges, OTC desks, and crypto funds th