Flippening - For Cryptocurrency Investors (bitcoin, Ethereum, And Cryptoasset Investing)

TokenSets, Set Protocol & Crypto Trading's Future w/ Felix Feng (Ep. 0075)



Welcome to this cryptocurrency podcast with Felix Feng, co-founder and CEO of Set, the company behind Set Protocol and TokenSets, an Ethereum-based platform that lets users invest in crypto via automated “Robo” strategies or social trading strategies authored by experienced human traders. All are sortable by performance, which, in some cases, has been exceptional. The conversation is split into 4 chapters: Set Protocol and TokenSets A quick history of social trading How to get started with TokenSets Set's plans for the future It also covers: How Felix first got into Bitcoin back in 2013 The technology that powers TokenSets How traders update sets and initiate rebalancing How Set facilitates rebalancing through Dutch auctions Set as an alternative to setting up a hedge fund The explosive growth of decentralized finance or DeFi Sponsors: CryptoTrader.Tax CryptoTrader.Tax makes the excruciating task of reporting your cryptocurrency gains and losses a breeze. Sorting through transaction records from exchanges