
#81: Duolingo Study Conversation, Introduction 1.



Sit down with Chisa, a native Japanese speaker and myself to discuss all that is covered in Duolingo Japanese, Introduction 1. Listen in as she answers all my questions on what is taught to get real Japanese guidance throughout your studies. This episode covers the following.  Sentence structure. The desu (です) sentence ender. Omissions. Name enders, (san). Showing respect using "O". The (wa) Particle, Stating the subject. Stating names in Japanese. Basic Japanese phrases. Hiragana. Questions or comments? Email us at contactjappon@gmail.com Please rate, comment, and subscribe to this podcast to help improve your future lessons :) Instagram - @japponmedia Youtube - www.youtube.com/c/Jappon Website - Japponline.com Duolingo Series Page - https://www.japponline.com/duolingo/