Wemartians Podcast

76 – A New Science Paradigm (feat. Elizabeth Frank)



For a long time, planetary science missions have been the exclusive domain of space agencies like NASA. But in the 21st century, things are changing, and commercial actors are increasingly involving themselves not just as suppliers to governments, but as mission leaders themselves. Elizabeth Frank from First Mode joins Jake to talk about a new paradigm for planetary science. We talk Government, Industry, and Planetary Science Elizabeth's rejected LPSC abstract Follow Elizabeth Elizabeth on Twitter (@efrankplanetary)Elizabeth's WebsiteFirst Mode Follow Jake & WeMartians Website (www.wemartians.com)Patreon (www.patreon.com/wemartians)WeMartians Shop (shop.wemartians.com)Twitter (@we_martians) Jake’s Twitter (@JakeOnOrbit)Off-Nominal PodcastMost Recent Episode: 27 - Space Policy Fugue State #GoingPro Phase 1 - Complete! On January 10th we concluded the first part of the #GoingPro fundraising campaign, and what a tremendous finish it was! With just hours to spare, we crossed the 200 patron