Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls

Greta Thunberg read by Jameela Jamil



Once upon a time, there was a Swedish girl who refused to go to school. Her name was Greta.When Greta found out about an island of trash the size of Mexico floating around the ocean, she couldn’t understand why there weren’t more people concerned enough to take action. Greta found strength in talking about how global warming affects kids and grownups alike and how together we can make a positive impact on the world we live in.Our narrator this episode is the one-of-a-kind Jameela Jamil. She works as an actress, writer, host and advocate. In 2018, Jameela launched a movement and activism platform called I Weigh. The platform explores social issues that stem from mental health to climate change. Jameela can be seen on shows including The Good Place on NBC and as the voice of Auntie Pushpa on Disney Jr.’s animated series Mira, Royal Detective. If you enjoyed learning about Greta, visit our website at to pick up more stories about incredible women. Use promo code REBELPODCAST to get 15% off your fi