Not Your Mama's Mindset

Ditch Your Goals Forever: 3-Part Spiritual Sales Funnel



(Ep. 93) This 3 part spiritual sales funnel is all about ditching goals (that leave you feeling unaccomplished and unfulfilled) and crafting/stepping into your VISION aka your end goal.  CLICK THIS TO ENTER MY FIRST GIVEAWAY: $25 STARBUCKS GIFTCARD GIVEAWAY exclusively for podcast listeners***contest ends 8/4/19 @ 11:59 pm EST (DOUBLE ENTRIES if you're a listener from: North/South Dakota, Maine, Rhode Island, Montana, Alaska, Mississippi, or Wyoming -- as I don't have any listeners on the podcast from those states yet!!)   Important topics you'll hear today:   2:22 Part 1-Ditch the goals 2:58 The difference between to-do lists & goals  3:22 3 diff types of goal setters & why they all fail  6:36 Part 2-Craft your vision 8:04 An exercise you can do that helps craft your perfect vision 8:39 Visualization's part in your vision 11:25 Part 3-Start living that vision, NOW 11:46 Believing, Trusting, Knowing 12:32 Taking aligned action & developing your i