Cinematic Sound Radio

Happy 70th Alan Silvestri



On this very special episode of CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO and in celebration of Alan Silvestri's recent 70th birthday (March 26th), guest host, Tim Burden, shines the spotlight on the music of Alan Silvestri.  During the first part of the show, Tim Burden puts together a little montage, which he lovingly calls "Silvestri Snared", highlighting one of Silvestri's favourite percussive devices. Afterwards, Tim presents a previously unheard composer commentary. In 2015, Tim sat down with Alan Silvestri as part of the Belfast Cinemagic Film Festival to talk about THE AVENGERS' "Helicarrier Sequence", STUART LITTLE's "Boat Race" and his beautiful score to Robert Zemeckis' CASTAWAY. And as an added bonus, and just in time for its 35th anniversary, Tim has included some commentary from recording engineer, Dennis Sands, about the brilliant "Clocktower Sequence" from BACK TO THE FUTURE. Silvestri will also take you on a journey through the preparation of composing the music for that sequence. I think you will agree that t