Wemartians Podcast

75 – Virtual LPSC (Part 2)



The annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference is the premier gathering for planetary scientists worldwide. But, like many events, it was cancelled this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. We've covered it every year, and despite viral concerns, this year is no different. We speak with six planetary scientists about the work they were going to present by creating a virtual, simulated audio poster session. Stop step in, grab a drink, and learn about some cool space science. We Mars Planetary Science and LPSC Corbin Kling (@planetarydrone)Abstract on Noctis LabyrinthusJustin Cowart (@jccwrt)Abstract on THEMIS dataPaul Niles (@PBNiles)Abstract on Jarosite formationShoshanna ColeAbstract on MER Data CatalogMER Data SurveySzilard Gyalay (@szizygy)Abstract on porosity at InSight's landing sitePeter Fawdon (@DrPFawdon)Abstract on Oxia Planum Crater DatingAbstract on Oxia Planum Landing Site Follow Jake & WeMartians Website (www.wemartians.com)Patreon (www.patreon.com/wemartians)WeMartians Shop (shop