Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: “Não crie caso” em inglês



Hi. What’s up? Tudo bem? O episódio de hoje é sobre aquela situação onde a pessoa acha melhor ficar quietinha, não falar nada, não criar caso... pois há o risco de dar problema se ela disser alguma coisa. Em outras palavras - um ambiente bem chato... Por outro lado, bom assunto para o pod :-) Ouça já! Transcrição Hi. How are you? This is Ana Luiza with a new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. It's a beautiful day here where I am. Pretty nice day to be recording a podcast. Today I was thinking that... I had a chat with someone last week about their workplace, and this person was telling me about this company that he works for, and... It's pretty interesting, I mean... It's not great because he doesn't like the environment too much, but pretty interesting in terms of English vocabulary. I thought of a few expressions to describe my friend's workplace. Here's what it's like. It's very hierarchical, meaning... you have your boss, then you have your boss' manager and then you have the director, and then you h