Speaking Of Language

S5E5 - Language Advocacy Day



Angelika interviews some fellow attendees of Language Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C. Trey Calvin, Managing Director of JNCL-NCLIS Rebecca Blouwolff, ACTFL Teacher of the Year 2020, French, Wellesley Middle School in Wellesley, MA  Jenny Delfini, Spanish, Lenape Elementary in New Paltz, NY Keith Cothrun, Executive Director of AATG  Meredith White, Spanish, Peachtree Ridge High School in Suwanee, GA We learn what LAD is all about,  why it is so important to advocate for languages on the Hill, and how these colleagues share what they learned back in their schools and districts. To learn more about Language Advocacy Day, legislative priorities, and what you can do to advocate for languages, visit languagepolicy.org.